Eyelash extensions removed by professional lash artists/lash techs may be costful, but the good side is , safe .
Some one can also remove their Eyelash extensions successfully, but more or less are supposed to be pulled out.
I do over a hundred lash extensions removal, with great care and patient and powerful product and kits, still can't guarantee 100% lashes are safe . Are you sure you can wait till the product completely melts the glue on extensions? especially when the product on your lash and your eyes have to be closed, lash artists/lash techs can wait and check, if extensions are good to be removed safely, if not sure, they can test, still not? wait or add more product , then test again with care, the process be repeated till all extensions are removed safely, sometimes some extensions are too tough to be removed, tweezers are the last ditch of effort, always work. By now, you can tell , remove extensions by yourself is good or not, unless you don't care lash safety. This is why don't remove lash extensions by yourself
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